There are some great websites out there for anyone wanting to do a little more reading...
This is a GREAT site for all kind of running related topics...from what kind of shoes to wear, food to eat, pace to try, gu to use, and anything in between! Check it out!
This is the website for Food for the Hungry, the ministry we are partnering with to build our school in Mozambique. Many of our OHC families sponsor a child through them already. To learn more about FH's goals and how they work take a bit to search around on their page!
This is the website for the DesMoines Marathon. Lots of your race day questions can be answered here!
This link takes you to google pedometer site. You can pull up anywhere in the world and log in your site, track your running route, and it will give you the distance in miles. It is great for pre-routing a run and knowing where and how far to go. I use it for my neighborhood streets all the time!