Tuesday, May 5, 2009

SHOUT 4 Change Run

I'm registering for the SHOUT 5K which is next Saturday, May 16, starting at Sullivan Park (8a.m. registration/9 a.m. run). I'm going to do this in place of our group run that day and maybe run a longer run a different day that week. I'm doing this in support of my friends at SHOUT Ministries as we seek to build friendships and partnership with them. I invite you along that day!

SHOUT Ministries is led by a group of young leaders in East Waterloo. I sit on the board of SHOUT and am a friend/mentor to SHOUT's president, Chassidi Ferguson. SHOUT's mission is to tear down the walls of injustice, hatred, and violence through evangelistic events and outreach. Some of our Orchard Hill friends had the pleasure of traveling to Miami together last October with three of SHOUT's leaders for a conference on Christian Community Development. Our hope and prayer is that God will work through these relationships to do His transformational Kingdom work in our community.

There will be SHOUT 4 Change registration forms/maps out at this Saturday's group run or if you're interested, you can also download the registration form at www.shoutministries.org.

Laura Hoy


  1. planning on it.......just need to get signed up! :)

  2. i may do this with you LAura!!

  3. Jess, Nathan and Sara are coming too. Sara is going to ride her bike next to Nathan and I. Just thought I'd tell you in case you want to think about including a child or two. I may have to do a more serious run the day before or after.
