Sunday, June 28, 2009

Sturgis Falls Half-Marathon

Wow, what a beautiful day to run 13.1 miles! The weather couldn't have been more of a gift as many folks lined up to run either the 5K or half marathon for the annual Sturgis Falls celebration! How great that we had many Iowans for Africa join in the day as we train to run for Jesus and our friends in Africa! A couple of loyal friends and fans sat at Pfeifer and sent these photos to me today. I know there are others who took a big group photo that I hope to get posted on here soon. My highlights of the morning:
- The crowd and the nervous excitement about running 13.1 miles (my longest run to date had been 9.5 miles).
- Gathering as a team for a group photo and prayer before the run.
- Sports beans...we munched some energy jelly beans down at around mile 7 and 10...they gave a needed boost!
-The route...gorgeous, shady, and there were 3 different loop-back places where you'd pass those ahead of you coming back from the loop. This was a great way to encourage and cheer people who were a bit further than we were. Even at mile 10, I felt enough energy to whoop it up for those coming our way to finish their last 1 1/2 to 2 miles.
- I ran the majority of the race with 3 team members. This made all the difference for me! I was able to chatter until about mile 11, and then it got HARD. I was running next to Laurie Williams, and after a few minutes of silence, I huffed, "It's hard to talk now." She told me that she had shifted into silently and continuously repeating her 3 line mantra: "I'm a marathoner. I love running. God help us all." I decided to try a silent mantra those last 2 miles. Mine was, "I pray for joy, joy, joy" to the beat of my steps hitting the pavement. Over and over. :) It WAS joyous to see that balloon finish arch and good friends cheering us to the line. What are your highlights from the morning?

1 comment:

  1. for me, the best part was seeing all of our team members along the way. it was so encouraging to have everyone cheering each other on. what a great race. half way!!! :) woot woot!
