Wednesday, September 30, 2009


If you'd like to comment below and share some of your "positive" list, feel free to go right ahead and do so!

Starting tomorrow morning you have 10 days left before the marathon. Today I want you to focus on all of the positives, make a list of everything that you can think of that has resulted in a positive outcome since you began this marathon quest. Some examples: new friends, confidence, weight loss, feel healthier, saved on gas, learned appropriate response to God's call, helped my friends raise $24,443 for clean drinking water, learned to slow down and enjoy the process, learned that running reduces stress, whatever you can think of, write it down. As you continue through these 10 days add to the list. Then be sure to pack the list with you to Chicago. During the last couple days when you get nervous or negative thoughts start creeping into your mind, or during the last few miles of the marathon when you are questioning your sanity, or the day after when you have to walk down stairs backward, take out your list and read it. Think of all the good things that have happened to you since you decided to become a marathoner. The positives will outweigh the negatives.

In a little over a week you will be able to say "yes, I have finished a marathon!" Maybe even when no one asked.

As you have already figured out by this point, this is not going to be easy. But I believe that you also know that some of the most important accomplishments in life are not "easy". It is ok to be proud of yourself for what you have accomplished. One of my hopes is that some percentage of you will continue to make running a part of your lives after the marathon is just a memory.

I have received a few email that some of you did not receive the "marathon weekend details packet". If you want an electronic copy, email and I will forward it to you, also I will print off some hard copies for next Saturday if you did not get one.

Enjoy this beautiful day,
Coach Don.

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