Saturday, July 11, 2009

The longer get shorter

Two weeks ago, I ran 13.1 miles, the longest run in the history of my life. This morning, our group ran 12.5 miles, and because I had run .6 further in my experience, the run was not as daunting at the beginning, nor as taxing toward the end.

I keep thinking, then, that it would be helpful to run 28 miles in training before doing the 26.2 marathon! I already know that training won't take us beyond 20, but in some ways I wish it would because of this mental deal that makes the runs seem shorter and more pleasant if I've gone beyond the mileage. I guess I'll just have to use some different mental techniques those last 6.2 miles in Chicago!

On a different note, I was reminded of the power of encouragement today from an anti-encouraging moment. Three of us were just starting our 2nd loop today when an older gentleman walking on the trail asked us if our group was involved in a race today. We told him that no, we were preparing for the October marathon in Chicago. His face got real sober and serious and he shook is head as he said, "That's terrible." And then he added, "They had to call it off last year due to the heat, you know." That's terrible??!! We didn't quite know how to respond, so we ran off saying something like "It's going to be beautiful weather this year!" Then we laughed deliriously after he was out of sight. We've been so encouraged by everyone thus far, that it was so stark and shocking and well, funny to get such a response. Anyway, keep encouraging everyone, everyone! Coach Don, you're our supreme leader in that!

And thanks for everyone who cooked for the pastafari night last night and all who came. For those who couldn't make it, we'll do it again in a few months! You all are fantastic...I'm so proud to be a part of this team!


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