Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Fundraising & Food!!

 A reminder from Coach Don about off-line giving changes...

*If you had entered any offline donations onto your Iowans for Africa website before August 25th, they are no longer showing on your total and will have to be re-entered. Firstgiving made some changes which will actually help make giving easier and smoother! Sorry for the inconvience though.  If you had already given Don Williams the money that was collected and aren't sure about the amount/names, please give him a call and he will assist you.

Here is how to add offline donations now: (This is important info for everyone!)

 If a donor gives you a check, you can add that check amount to your fundraising page's total and display your donor in the list with all your online donors.  Here's how.
Sign into your firstgiving account.
On the Your Account at a Glance page, click the name of the page you'd like to work with.
Click Add Offline Donation.
A screen will come up asking for information about your donor.  This information will be confirmed by the nonprofit when they receive the check.  Once this information has been confirmed, it cannot be changed, so be sure to double-check what you've entered before clicking Continue!
*If you want to re-add your bulk amount of your offline donations, you can do so here, just list the first name as Offline and the last name as Donor and then enter the amount. It will then display again on your page.*
Upon clicking Continue, the donation will appear on your fundraising page in the table of donors at the bottom - your offline donors will look just like your online donors.  An email will also be sent to you and to your donor (if you've entered their email address) at this time, confirming that they made a donation to your page.
Then, make sure to turn in the check with the check donation form we have given out. A full receipt email will follow once we (OHC) have received and confirmed the check.
Thank you so much for getting behind this fund raising effort, some exciting things are happening that will be announced soon!
Coach Don

And don't forget our Carb-Loading TEAM (plus support members) Meal THIS Friday at 6PM!!!

Runners, runner's kids, runner's spouses, runner's parent's even... Mark your calendar for SEPTEMBER 10th! We will gather at Orchard Hill Church at 6:00pm for a pasta potluck. This will be a great opportunity to sit with your teammates and families and share a meal, hear encouragement and insight from some previous marathon runners, and load up on carbs before your big run Saturday morning!  Details below...

If your last name starts with...

A-D: Bring Garlic or Cheese Bread
E-I: Bring a salad of some sort
J-T: Bring a Pasta Dish of some sort
U-Z: Bring a Dessert of some sort

Also, bring your own dinner-ware. Drinks will be provided! 
It's an old fashioned potluck picnic! Hope to see you there!

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