Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Important Notice!

This coming Sunday we are having a special video about Iowans for Africa prepared by Jeff Mickey, one of our team mates.  This will be shown at all of our services, as well as an interview about what our team is doing.  It would be awesome if many of you can be there wearing your training shirt.  Also, last year we took a team picture between services on this day so we are asking you to participate in that again.  The time for taking the picture will be 10:40 so please try to be there early.  It will be taken in the atrium of Orchard Hill Church, entrance E on the south side.  Whether you are attending services here, at Naz or anywhere, we would love it if you could come for the team picture.   And you don't have to wear our training shirt as I know some do not have them.  The more team mates we can get in this picture the more impact it will bring to our mission.

Also a reminder that Sunday is the last day to order race shirts so please bring those forms and a check for $15 for ordering your shirt if you have not done so.  Order forms will be available at Naz this Sunday as well.  I will be submitting the order early Monday morning.  Both race team and support team shirt order forms will also be available on this Saturday.  The support team shirt final day to order will be Sunday September 26.

We are hoping to get our team picture and some information about our mission and what God is doing through us in the media during the next week or two, if anyone has any contacts please pass the word along.

Here is a picture that keeps coming back to my mind.  Can you imagine 500 or more people standing in the grass by Nolan Plaza in down town Des Moines at 7:30 AM praying together?  What an awesome picture of how God is leading us through this journey.  It gives me goose bumps just thinking about it.

Have a great day and keep smiling! 
Coach Don

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