Thursday, April 23, 2009

Upcoming 5K Runs

If you're looking for a few runs around the community to help with your training, here are a couple of 5K runs coming up:

Kickin' it 4 Cambodia- May 9, 9 a.m. George Wyth
Some students at CFHS helped raise money to build a school in Cambodia. Proceeds from this race will go toward continuation of support for this school. You can get registration form at Runner's Flat. $15 registration before race/$25 day of race

SHOUT 4 Change- May 16, 9 a.m. Sullivan Park, E. 4th St., Waterloo
You can download registration from or get registration from Runner's Flat. Proceeds go to AMACHI mentoring program.

Loop the Lake- June 6. I don't know much more, but I am sure you'll find registration forms at Runner's Flat.

Don or anyone else, is there a good place on-line to learn about runs in our area?

1 comment:

  1. the runner's flat has a mailing list that you can get on....they send out a newsletter that has all of the upcoming races in it.
