Sunday, October 17, 2010

whisper a prayer

The gun has gone off and you have started your final run in this 6 month training program. You are probably still in your first mile and we know this day will be one that God's light is filling each mile as you pass though it. Today you will all be marathoner's. Let your light shine!

Dear Lord,

We pray for this dear team and ask that you lay your blanket of safety over them as they run each mile. We pray that each runner is filled with your strength and joy as they experience a 26.2 mile course. We pray for strong bodies, strong minds, and strong hearts. Let the hearts of others be opened as they see and hear our team members run in Your name. Let today be an amazingly positive and empowering experience for all involved. Thank you for the guidance as this team trained. Bless this team and their goals. Today is done for you, Lord.


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