Sunday, September 27, 2009

If you ordered t-shirts through Kallie!

Hey Iowans for Africa!
Here is the list of names and what you owe for the shirts (see list below)!! Each shirt was $7.40, XXL $8.40, and then tax was added. I need to pay when I pick these up, hopefully on Friday!
Paying- Make checks out to Kallie Thompson.
1) You can send me the money to my house
Kallie Thompson
2123 Primrose Dr.
Cedar Falls, IA 50613

Or 2) Take the money to the church. Please put your money in an envelope with your NAME on it! There will be a manila envelope in Kris Hoskinson's mailbox. If you go in the office and say you need to put it in her mailbox the secretaries will most likely do it for you.

I would really appreciate getting this money ASAP! I need to pay for them when I pick them up, and as a college student, I don't have a lot of extra money on hand to just pay for all of them. If you could get it there by Thursday it would be much appreciated!


Hopefully, I will have the shirts in hand on Friday afternoon. I am planning on having them all divided up into bags for everyone to pick-up at church that Sunday morning/afternoon Oct. 4th. More information will come on this depending on when I get them. In order to get your shirt you must pay me first!

We had almost 150 shirts ordered, so it will be awesome to see our supports in orange! Two weeks left!

Kallie Thompson

Allison Mogren 1-s $7.92
Jessie Marx 1-s $7.92
Kelsey Ihde 1-s $7.92
Missy Luloff 1-s $7.92
Syd, Lisa, Ashley, Chelsea 3-s, 1-m $31.67
Don, Terri Williams 1-L, 1-xl $15.84
Sid Harris 1-m, 2-L, 2-xl $39.59
Amy Lynch 1-m $7.92
Susan Backes 4-yL, 2-s $47.51
Chris Wheeler-McManus- 1-L, 1-xL $15.84
Laurie Williams 2-ym, 1-m $23.75
Chelsea Courtnage 2-m, 1-L, 2-xl, 1-xxl $48.58
Jay Bullerman 1-m $7.92
Natalie Kracht 1-m $7.92
Annie Vander Werff 1-ys, 1-ym, 3-m, 4-L $71.26
Scott Doyle 1-yL, 1-s, 2-L $31.67
Melissa Landsgard 1-s, 1-xL $15.84
Luke Patterson 1-m $7.92
Eric, Char Williams 1-ym, 1-yL 1-m, 2-xL $39.59
Rita Gerdes 1-s, 2-m 1-xxl $32.74
Michelle Hammer 1-s, 1-m $15.84
Lynn Patterson 2-s, 2-xL $31.67
Danielle Schmitt 1-L $7.92
Melissa Haberstich 2-L $15.84
Toni Rundall 1-L, 1-xl $15.84
Brian Cross 1-m $7.92
Lauren Noeltin 2-m, 1-xl $23.75
Bobbie Humble 2-s, 1-m, 1-L $31.67
Chad Hertz 1-ys, 2-ym, 2-s, 1-m $47.51
Jodi Olsen 1-L, 1-xl $15.84
Laura Hoy 2-s, 1-m, 1-xl $31.67
Emily Schut 1-ys, 1-ym 1-m, 1-xxl $32.74
Danielle Garvin 1-ys, 1-m, 1-L, 1-xl, 1-xxl $40.66
David McMurrin 1-m $7.92
Jenna, Bonita Davis 8-m 3-L, 1-xl $95.02
Natalie Brown 1-s, 1-xl $15.84
Joy Culberson 2-ys, 1-ym, 1-s, 1-L $39.59
Wendy Blinn 1-xl $7.92
Angela Schreiber 2-ys, 1-s, 1-xxl $32.74
Summer Anderson 1-s, 3-L $31.67
Steve Timm 1-ym, 1-yL, 1-s, 1-xl $31.67
Amy Price 1-s, 1-xl $15.84
Brian Buhrow 1-m, 1xl $15.84
Ashley Hermansen 1-s, 1-m, 1-L $23.75
Jess Hansen 1-ys, 2-s, 1-m, 1-L $39.59
Tricia Haak 2-s, 1-L $23.75
Tresa Habinck 1-s, 2-M $23.75

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