Sunday, September 27, 2009

Marathoning for Mortals

Laurie Williams loaned me a book entitled Marathoning for Mortals by John "The Penguin" Bingham. She directed me toward the end of the book since we're so far into our training and we're preparing for the big day. Maybe I'll offer a few quotes from his book in the next few weeks. Here's one Laurie pointed out to me that I'm paying close attention to....

"It's always important to get the race site early. It's especially important at a big race. And this next sentence is the most important sentence in the entire book: When you get to the race site, immediately get into the portable-toilet line. I'm not kidding. Do not stop to talk. Do not look around for friends. Make a direct line for the portable toilets. I don't care how often you go to the bathroom before you leave the hotel; you are going to need to go again before the race starts. Don't take any chances. Get in line.

When you've gotten to the front of the line, then gotten in and out of the portable toilet, get back in line again. Trust me on this one. Stay in the portable toilet line until you have to line up for the race."

See you in line at the biffy! :)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the mention. It really is good advice.

