Thursday, October 8, 2009


Iowans for Africa has raised over $31,000 for World Vision. Way to go, team! Yesterday, I ran into a team member that wasn't aware that you can see our whole team listed on first giving, so I'm guessing there are others as well that don't know but might be interested.

Go to your own first giving page. Up in the right hand corner, you'll see "Team Name:", Click on Iowan's for Africa and it will show us all in alphabetical order. You can browze people's pages if that's of interest to you. It's kind of fun to see what everyone's written on their pages!

If you want to see other World Vision teams, you first go to our team page (see directions in above paragraph). Once there, you'll see the option View all teams. Click that, then click Bank of America Chicago Marathon. You can then browze all the World Vision teams who are running this marathon and check out how they're doing with fundraising. It's fun to click on the 50 miler team. This team has Tim Hoekstra. Click on his page. He's turning 50, raising $50,000, and he's going to run 23.8 miles into the marathon and complete the marathon for a 50 mile day. I think he's starting at like 1:30 a.m. from a Starbucks near Glen Elyn, IL. He's raised $43,000 so far. Wow!

1 comment:

  1. Laura: I met Tim Hoekstra and his escort team about 9 miles into his pre-marathon run; I ran with him 15 miles into Chicago along Roosevelt Rd. from 3:30-6:00 a.m. Dark, chilly, but inspiring---esp. to see each community's police force turn out to escort our group, plus help us through intersections--the Chicago PD were over the top in their assistance! After dropping off Tim at the start area in Grant Park, I back-tracked the official course to work the water station at Mile 25; I saw Tim escorted by a "company of witnesses" (other WV runners) as he was en route to a 6:30-ish finish. 50 miles is incredible. I was glad and honored to be a part of his quest.
    Jeff Carpenter, Palos Heights, IL
