Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Signs and Tshirts

Any memorable signs or t-shirts from the weekend? I liked the back of this t-shirt on sale at the Expo:

Dear God,

Please let there be someone behind me to read this t-shirt.

God bless that last person who crossed the finish line on Sunday!


  1. I appreciated the honesty of the spectator signs that read "If it were easy, I'd do it." I could have held that sign last year. Now I have one thing to add to my "bucket list" -- to be an over-the-top-enthusiastic-sign-holding-air-horn-blowing-spectator at a marathon.

  2. Me too. It would be fun to be in the cheering crowd.

    I particularly liked the sign that said "Finish" seen at about mile 26.1. :)

  3. I liked the sign that read "Chafe now... brag forever."
